Title: Dreams of Gods and Monsters
Author: Laini Taylor
Publisher: Little Brown
Series: Daughter of Smoke and Bone #3
Two worlds are poised on the brink of a vicious war. By way of a
staggering deception, Karou has taken control of the chimaera's
rebellion and is intent on steering its course away from dead-end
vengeance. The future rests on her.
When the
brutal angel emperor brings his army to the human world, Karou and Akiva
are finally reunited--not in love, but in tentative alliance against
their common enemy. It is a twisted version of their long-ago dream, and
they begin to hope that it might forge a way forward for their people.
And, perhaps, for themselves.
I know it’s been a looooong
while since I last posted a review. School just got crazy, but I really wanna
get back into my blogging schedule, not only for my German blog, but also for
this English one. So today I’ll post a short review containing my thoughts
about Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor.
I now, a lot of people worship
this trilogy, but I always thought I’m more of a “dislike”. I didn’t hate the
first book, I didn’t really enjoy it either. This was because of the immature
protagonist and the story line. I thought I’d get a epic fantasy story, but it
was more of a teenage love story with magical elements. However, the last 100
pages really intrigued me, so I purchased book two and three in the series and
read them. Surprisingly, I completely fall in love with them.
Firstly, the world building
got a whole lot better! In the first book, Prague was by no means a lovely
setting, but it wasn’t exactly what I wanted as a setting for a fantasy novel.
However, in book two and three the story takes place in a incredible fantastic
world! There are so many things to discover, so many things you have to unravel
and to get. I loved how Laini Taylor built a new world, which seems infinite
and magical. The story itself gets a lot more mature and darker, which made me
really happy, because this is what fantasy should be like. The content got more
serious and important, the character seemed deeper. That made the story so
great and loveable.
Secondly, I loved that we got
more POVs which were added to the original story. I wasn’t the biggest fan of
Karou and Akiva, so it was nice to habe other characters with new stories to
follow. I really fell in love with Ziri and Liraz, who are my favorite
characters so far. Zuze and Mik were super adorable too and I even got to like
Karou and Akiva more and more during the two books. And after I finished the
last page of the trilogy, I realized how much I loved them all. I found myself
caring so much about them and that was really surprising, but I showed how much
I liked this trilogy in the end.
All in all I’m surprisingly
sad that this series is over. It’s so bad that there are no more books about
Eretz and the misbegotten and the angels and the chimaeras. But I’ll definitely
pick up more Laini Taylor books! Her style of writing is incredible; it feels
like the words on the paper aren’t black, but colorful like a rainbow. She
creates picture between the lines and comes up with beautiful sentences and
quotes, which will get into your mind and never leave. A lot of them contain wisdom
and magic, words only real writers can write.
In the end
of the day, it turned out that I’m wrong. I’m not a enemy of this trilogy, not
at all, but a person who finally fell in love, not only with Laini Taylors
pretty words, but with her whole book. With the world she built, the characters
she brought to life. I have so much love for this trilogy and can only
recommend picking it up.
Those POVs... Sadly that was a real killer for me. First book, three POVs or so? Second book 20+ WTF?! That's just crazy and it was really hard to follow. Normally I love books with a lot of POVs, but they have to make sense. Unfortunately I could'nt connect with book 3 at all and I can't say that I love this series that much anymore.